Interest-based Overlay Construction and Message Routing in Service-Oriented Peer-to-Peer Networks

M. Amoretti, M. Agosti, and F. Zanichelli (Italy)


Peer-to-Peer, Services, DHT, Semantic Routing.


Ontology-based annotation of services is emerging, in the context of Semantic Web or Web 3.0, as an effective technique for automatic service discovery and composition, yet the highly invoked convergence with the peer-to-peer paradigm is still an open issue. We propose a structured peer-to-peer architectural model in which connectivity rules are interest-based, and service location information is placed in a Distributed Hash Table (DHT), according to a deterministic strategy driven by semantic matching between service proļ¬les and peer in terests. The basic idea is to build a key space in which each ID provides complete information about the categories to which the resource (i.e. peer or service) is associated. In this context, the concept of interest corresponds to the cat egories to which a service belongs, or those for which the peer searches the network. The paper shows the results of several simulation ex periments we performed to evaluate the performance of the search algorithm in terms of network resource coverage and to assess system resilience in presence of churn.

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