G-AODV+PCMTAG: Routing in MANET with Low Overhead Flooding and Route-Shortening

T. Seyama and H. Higaki (Japan)


Ad-hoc Networks, Broadcast Storm, Routing Protocols, G AODV, PCMTAG


In an ad-hoc routing protocol based on flooding of a route request control message such as AODV and DSR, all reach able mobile computers are required to broadcast the mes sage. Especially in a high density ad-hoc network, a broad cast storm causes higher battery consumption and lower connectivity. This paper proposes G-AODV routing pro tocol which is a group-based extension of AODV where only mobile computers belonging to the same group as a source one are engaged in flooding of a route request control message. Due to the group based flooding of the message, connectivity gets lower and detected transmis sion routes get longer. This paper proposes dynamically determined equivalence between two groups based on den sity of neighbor mobile computers. In addition, in order to reduce the length of a message transmission route, PCM TAG (Passive Contribution for Message Transmission in Another Group) is also proposed. Here, a mobile com puter in another group is engaged in message transmission only when it provides a shorter message transmission route without or with limited additional control messages. Sim ulation experiments show that G-AODV and PCMTAG re quires 31.7% less control messages, 4.5% longer route de tection time and 0.1% lower connectivity to achieve 9.6% shorter transmission route than AODV.

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