Model based Data Access in Mobile Grid Applications

M. Thonhauser, C. Kreiner, and S. Kremser (Austria)


Model-Based Development, Mobile Grid, Data-intensive systems, logistic systems


Development of data intensive systems has changed from applying relational database concepts to model-based de velopment technologies. A central aspect of these ap proaches is the design of a data model, which can be used for creating the persistent datastructures. While approaches following the Model Driven Ar chitecture use the model for code generation at develop ment time, other approaches interpret the model at runtime, which enables dynamic access to modeled data. On the other hand arises the need for managing data access in mobile applications, regarding concerns of pri vacy and data integrity. By relying on a mobile grid infras tructure, the central concept of a virtual organisation can be extended to enable the exchange of datamodels between the members of this VO, containing the externally accessi ble datastructures of the publishing member. This paper presents an extension of a model-based ap proach for data access in a data intensive system, which enables mobile devices to dynamically use data of such a system.

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