Simulation of a Hydrogen Powered Medium Size Vehicle: Application to NEDC Cycle

A. Slimani, N.A. Messaoudene, H. Abdi, and M.W. Naceur (Algeria)


PEMFC, cell potential, hydrogen, fuel cell, electric vehicle.


Reduction of greenhouse effect gases emission is a major source of concern nowadays. Internal combustion engines, as the most widely used power generation mean for transportation represent a large share of such gases, which motivates active research efforts for alternative solutions. In this regard, PEM fuel cells represent a promising prospect and are thoroughly investigated, whether experimentally or through numerical simulation. The present work aims at studying the power potential of PEM fuel cell which is integrated to the full power electrical traction chain of a medium size car. The cell potential is modeled by taking into account the different types of polarization. The driving performances of the vehicle and its hydrogen consumption are evaluated through a simple mathematical model and an application is performed for the NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) standard driving cycle. The size of the PEMFC is computed for the chosen vehicle and that of a hydrogen storage tank is also computed for a typical autonomy.

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