A Human Machine Interface for Teaching Continuous Control Systems

T. López Lauterio, R. Morales-Menéndez, R.A. Ramírez, and F. Guedea (Mexico)


Human Machine Interface, Teaching-Learning Systems, Control Engineering, Software tools.


A software tool that facilitates the teaching/learning of con trol engineering is presented. This tool consists of a Human Machine Interface (HMI) that communicates an industrial PID controller with personal computer. The control system can be implemented online in Matlab/Simulink and com piled ANSI C scripts. With this HMI, students can easily implement several control strategies such as feedback, cas cade, feedforward, fuzzy based controller, etc. Using the HMI, the students do not need to have specialized knowl edge on electrical or computer sciences since all the com plexities of programming and electrical coupling are hid den. Students can learn faster several approaches using real systems overcoming the gap between theory and practice.

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