Implication of Least Cost Energy Efficiency in Thai's Residential Sector

J. Santisirisomboon and J.M. Santisirisomboon (Thailand)


Energy and power system modeling, End-use model; Energy conservation measures, Residential electricity demand


The electricity efficiency programs for the residential sector are evaluated by a model that simulates household scale energy consumption. The end-use electricity demand model is developed to project the final electricity demand in the Thai’s residential sector. The electricity demand projection in the baseline scenario does not include the implication of efficiency improvement of electric appliances whereas the energy efficient appliances are introduced in the least cost energy efficiency scenario. The replacement rates of efficient household appliances in the least cost scenario are based on the least cost concept that resulting in the minimum total investment cost in the study period. The least cost concept is able to capture the advantages of high efficient electric devices over the lower ones. An economic criterion, the internal rate of return, is introduced to rank the preference of energy efficiency alternatives program. The future effects of the efficiency programs on the electricity consumption are also predicted.

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