Designing a Discrepancy Supporting Perception Module of an Agent for Multimedia Entertainment Applications

S.-J. Ji, J.-W. Kwon, and J.-H. Park (Korea)


Perception module, discrepancy, and agent


The discrepancy between the situation of a virtual environment and the abstracted version of that situation is very important source for diversified behavior of an agent which can induce and keep the user’s interest for multimedia entertainment applications such as on-line games, intelligent tutoring systems, and virtual theater. In this paper, we propose a perception module which effectively supports the discrepancy mechanism during its perception process. To fulfill the requirement of proposed model, we elaborate the perceptive action of an agent, encapsulate the existing entity schema with sophisticatedly designed perception interface, and model the various factors of discrepancy which is caused from the interaction between perceptive action and the perception interface such as the screening, distortion, obstacle, and sensory impairment.

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