Multi-Targeted Parametrical Regulation of Market Economy Development with the Account of Non-Controlled Parameters Influence

Abdykappar A. Ashimov, K.A. Sagadiyev, Y.V. Borovskiy, N.A. Iskakov, and Askar A. Ashimov (Kazakhstan)


Mathematical model, economic system, parametrical regulation, extremal, functional, task of variational calculation, bifurcation.


The paper presents the findings on working out an approach to a parametrical regulation of market economy system developing with a variety of its functioning sub areas, and the studies of optimal parametrical impacts dependences on non-controlled parameters alterations. The bifurcation lines of extremals are formed up for a task of variational calculation at the choice of the optimum laws of parametrical regulation in the framework of the given finite set of algorithms under a bi parametrical perturbation.

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