Master-Slave Systems of Semantic Schemas and Applications

N. Ţăndăreanu (Romania)


knowledge representation, Peano algebra, labeled graph, semantic schema, derivation, multi-agent system, dis tributed knowledge, intelligent dialog system


In this paper we introduce an algebraic structure named master-slave system of semantic schemas. Such a system includes several semantic schemas ([1], [2]), each of them being a slave-schema. The system contains also a special structure named master-schema. Two kinds of computa tions are specific for each component of such a system. We define these computations both for a slave and a master schema. Several possible applications are discussed. Based on the model presented in this paper, some case to represent and process the distributed knowledge in intelligent dialog systems is treated. The designers of contact centers can find useful ideas because the tasks of such dialog system are connected by the tasks of a contact center.

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