Continuous Testing for Enterprise Portal Technology Refresh

M.-G. Lee and G. Foreman (USA)


Software testing, enterprise portal, technology refresh, continuous testing, performance testing


This paper presents experiences and lessons learned detailing software testing for a technology refresh project that took place over a period of one year. The paper describes the continuous testing performed while the team ported a web portal from one environment to another, which will probably affect more websites and web portals as time goes on. The original portlet-based application was constructed four years ago and has been experiencing problems during peak demand times. The overall goal of this technology refresh project is to achieve stability of the portal-based on a more robust architecture. This paper summarizes test plans and results for iterative functional, automated regression, and continuous performance testing. The team designed the system for better performance, monitored test results from the early stage of the lifecycle, and unveiled potential issues using continuous integration and testing.

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