Enabling Offshore Software Testing: A Case Study

L. Al-Jadiri and B. Bruegge (Germany)


Modeling, software testing, offshoring, and knowledge management


For the past decade, offshoring the software testing process has become a common trend to reduce software development costs. Offshoring, however, comes with certain challenges that can negatively impact the cost reduction advantage if not properly addressed. We see in model-based testing a contemporary testing approach with large potential to address challenges such as domain knowledge transfer and communication overhead in a global environment facing language issues and cultural distinctions. No empirical evaluation exists to-date to examine the capacity of model-based testing as an enabler of offshore software testing. In this paper we present the results of a case study using a model-based test specification and design in an offshore scenario. The case study was conducted as a pilot project at a large industrial organization. We report the lessons learned in terms of strengths and improvement suggestions to the approach.

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