Compliance Monitoring for Assisted Living using Mobile Platforms

D. Hanák, G. Mészáros-Komáromy, G. Szijártó, and B. Takács (Hungary)


Compliance, mobile care, ambient assisted living


Patient compliance – i.e. the accuracy and timeliness of following therapeutical instructions – is one of the key factors of success (or failure) in all long term treatments such as those of chronic illnesses. This paper describes a novel approach based on mobile Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) platforms to improve compliance levels. Specifi cally, we developed and demonstrated two technical solu tions attempting to “hide” technology as much as possible in order not to interfere with their daily activities. Our first approach employs an ultra mobile personal computer (UMPC), which blends neatly into the home environment, and delivers integrated functionality including physio logical and mental monitoring, mood assessment, physical and relaxation exercises, and communication with the doctor and members of the family. The second approach offers a lightweight solution requiring only a modern, 3G capable mobile phone, which nonetheless delivers a sig nificant segment of the above functions. Both solutions attempt to improve compliance by negotiating the pro gress of the treatment with a central medical database that not only stores measured data, but employs rules to follow and enforce protocols, by continuously informing the user about the necessary steps to take in order to remain on schedule.

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