Reverse-Engineering of an Industrial Software using the Unified Process: An Experiment

P. Dugerdil and S. Jossi (Switzerland)


Reverse engineering, program comprehension, reverse architecting, industrial experiment.


The re-engineering of legacy systems represents an economically appealing alternative to the complete redevelopment of the system. However one of the key steps, reverse-engineering i.e. understanding the architecture of the target system, has still not received a definitive answer. Recently we proposed to use the Unified Process to help organize the reverse-engineering tasks. Although this technique seemed to work well on a limited scale, we had to prove its efficiency on real industrial systems. Therefore, this paper focuses on the reverse-engineering of a large packaged information system. We then present the techniques and tools we used to do the job, as well as the system models we rebuilt. Some interesting results are discussed as well as hints on future extension of the techniques.

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