Capturing Behavior Coordination in Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering

J. Tang and D. Liang (USA)


Requirement Engineering, Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering (GORE), EGORE


Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering (GORE) methodologies use goals to facilitate elicitation, elaboration, analysis, and specification of the required behaviors for software. Traditional GORE approaches focus on the goal refinement and requirement derivation. They do not adequately facilitate the elicitation, elaboration, and modeling of the coordination among the tasks required for achieving the inter-related goals. In this paper, we propose an enhancement to GORE to address this problem. In the enhanced GORE (EGORE), we explicitly elicit, analyze and refine relations among various tasks derived from these goals as first-class model elements. When the identified tasks are specified with use cases, the coordinate relations among the tasks will also be specified with appropriate use case relations. As demonstrated by our case study, using EGORE can produce more complete requirements.

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