A Test Improvement Model for Embedded Software Testing

E. Kim and Y. Jang (Korea)


Embedded Software Testing, Test Process Model, Test Pro cess Improvement


Testing is a typical activity that requires improvements for increasing the productivity of software development. Many test improvement models such as the Testability Matu rity Model(TMM) and the Test Process Improvement(TPI) have been proposed. Though these models have been suc cessfully applied to industries, we found these models are not appropriate for applying to our company because they do not consider the issues forced out from embedded soft ware development. This paper introduces our test improve ment framework including identified considerations of our company. Our proposed framework reflects characteris tics of embedded software testing and unique development process of our product development units. And, this pa per also describes the case study which applied the pro posed framework to test process of our product develop ment units. From the assessment result, we could identify test activities which have high priority for having high test efficiency. Moreover, we could set up a foundation for im proving test process continuously in our organization.

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