Impact of NUMA Effects on High-Speed Networking with Multi-Opteron Machines

S. Moreaud and B. Goglin (France)


High-Speed Networks, NUMA, Opteron, Hypertransport, Placement, Performance.


The ever-growing level of parallelism within the multi-core and multi-processor nodes in clusters leads to the general ization of distributed memory banks and busses with non uniform access costs. These NUMA effects have been mostly studied in the context of threads scheduling and are known to have an influence on high-performance network ing in clusters. We present an evaluation of their impact on communi cation performance in multi-OPTERON machines. NUMA effects exhibit a strong and asymmetric impact on high bandwidth communications while the impact on latency re mains low. We then describe the implementation of an automatic NUMA-aware placement strategy which achieves as good communication performance as a careful manual place ment, and thus ensures performance portability by gather ing hardware topology information and placing communi cating tasks accordingly.

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