A Model for Constructivist Learning as an LMS Basis for Ordering RLOs

P. Kawachi (Japan)


RLO sequencing, Kawachi Model, Transactional distance


The four-stage Kawachi Model for learning critical thinking skills has been adapted for use as scaffolding to open source learning management systems to sequence correctly the learning objects delivered to students. The design was originally derived from the four categories of transactional distance determined by the deployment of structure (S) and dialogue (D) ;- (S- D-), (S+ D-), (S+ D+), and (S- D+), and has been empirically validated as effective in a study amongst open universities in fifteen countries. Briefly, the distinct stages are brainstorming cooperative group learning using synchronous media, then lateral-thinking collaborative learning using asynchronous media, followed by vertical-thinking hypotheses-testing collaborative asynchronous, and finally sharing experiential-learning cooperatively using synchronous media. LMS currently require the tutor or student to choose which reusable learning objects are served and in which order. The present Model automates this by pre-selecting the appropriate RLOs especially with respect to the distinct cooperative and collaborative processes. The four stages constitute an iterative learning sequence (with these sequences in turn comprising higher-order programmes and these in turn comprising the course).

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