Individual and Pair Behavior in Learning Problem in School Education

K. Shin-ike (Japan)


Individual Learning, Collaborative Learning, SPI Test, Ca pability, Personality, Learning Effect


In Japan most students take many courses in a classroom where more than forty students participate, and they learn many kinds of subjects individually. On the other hand, in a couple of courses such as an experiment and PBL (Problem-Based Learning), students make some groups and learn subjects collaboratively. In collaborative learn ing, an excellent learner belonging to a group teaches other learners, and the learning effect may improve better than individual learning, because new knowledge is provided through communication. But it is said that in group learn ing, some groups enhance the learning effect, and others do not. In this paper, we examine factors in enhancing the learning effect of pairs of college students who take a course. First of all, each student takes Synthetic Personal ity Inventory (SPI) test to investigate personalities and ca pabilities, and solves ten kinds of learning problems. Next, the students are divided into pair groups in order to solve some learning problems collaboratively. An analysis of this experiment shows which pairs can improve the learning ef fect or not. This research will be very useful to analyze the learning process in collaborative learning of pairs of stu dents in school education.

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