Developing Teachers' Technology Skills in a Laptop Initiative

P.B. McKimmy and P. Leong (USA)


Laptops, technology skills, teacher education, ubiquitous computing


The College of Education at the University of Hawai`i Manoa, like many institutions, wrestles with the challenge of developing students’ technology skills. Moreover, maintaining a hardware and software infrastructure that supports technology-integrated teaching is costly and difficult to maintain. Addressing both challenges, the College of Education implemented a one-to-one laptop program in 2005. By requiring continuous access to an Internet-connected laptop, the College hoped to improve student technology skills and to increase technology integration throughout its courses. The authors developed the Technology Skills Inventory to examine students’ skill levels and skill development during this initiative. The Inventory consisted of 43 statements regarding students’ abilities in performing tasks with a computer. The authors concluded that students who completed a teacher preparation program reported higher basic and personal/professional skills with computers, but were unable to draw conclusions about students’ instructional application of technology skills.

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