How to Improve the Retention Rate in e-Learning Scenarios

H.-D. Wuttke (Germany)


Interactive Learning Environments, Learning Manage ment Systems, Educational and Training Systems, Re mote Laboratory.


Learning creativity in design is always a difficult task, independent from the subject to design. This may be an algorithm, a chip or a building. Much more complicate is to test someone’s design and the level of knowledge he/she has reached in this learning process. Normally this is realized in hands-on laboratories and oral examinations. In an e-learning environment it is difficult to realize ade quate scenarios. In this paper we describe a solution to couple an LMS with real experiments, so called “remote laboratories” as well as an integrated assessment system. Our teaching subject is computer engineering, especially digital control systems. The functionality of the LMS is extended with functions to realize real experiments and to asses the re sults of a design task. The students are forced to apply their knowledge to new situations and to synthesize own algorithms and control systems. Compared to Blooms taxonomy for measuring learning objectives our method is able to assess the highest levels of knowledge.

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