The Effectiveness of Computer-Aided Learning for VRML

A.K.L. Wong (Malaysia)


Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), High Level Language, Computer-Aided Learning (CAL), Multiple Intelligences, Bloom Taxonomy


This paper describes the development and evaluation of a computer-aided learning (CAL) package for an undergraduate subject – Web 3D Technologies. The CAL package, known as eTute is accessed via the World Wide Web (WWW) to provide portable, usable and accessible subject material. The eTute is offered as an educational supplement to a conventional lecture. Summaries from the conventional lecture are provided in the package. The eTute incorporates interactive examples with navigational aid and instructional procedures for demonstration purpose and self-paced learning. It also includes interactive assessments for students’ self-evaluation. The package has been evaluated on a group of undergraduates learning Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) in Web 3D Technologies subject. The eTute is interesting, comprehensive, yet easy to use. It is suitable for students of all levels, whether they are a slow learner or a fast learner. Most students show significant improvement in the CAL approach. Results have proven that the CAL approach has motivated students and improved their problem solving skills. The student evaluations have reflected that many students prefer CAL approach over other approaches. Computer functionalities like interactivity and usability are the keys to achieving the objective of this research. This research has proven the effectiveness of using CAL for VRML.

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