ReCap: A Tool for Automated Capture and Generation of Synchronized Audio, PowerPoint and Digital Ink Presentation

C.K. Kong and J.K. Muppala (Hong Kong)


Tablet PC, Digital Ink, PowerPoint, Synchronized Presentation, Educational technology


In this paper we present ReCap, a tool for automated capture and creation of synchronized audio, PowerPoint and digital ink presentation in Real media format. Our tool creates the presentation based on the capture of a classroom lecture in real-time. Our tool is built using several technologies including .Net framework, Microsoft.Ink, ActiveX, SMIL and RealPix. While the tool can be used on any standard PC running Windows with .Net 1.1 framework, the use and capture of digital ink requires a Tablet PC. Recorded presentations are then made available through a podcast which students can subscribe using any podcast receiver. A slide level and pen stroke level indexed presentation is also supported on any browser supporting Active X, like Internet Explorer. By avoiding full-fledged video capture, file sizes are significantly reduced, typically requiring only about 10 Mb for a one-hour lecture. Another salient feature of our tool is that it requires no post-processing to create the synchronized media, thus saving significant post production effort. ReCap requires minimal hardware support: a windows-based PC with sound recording capability for capturing the lecture dynamics, and a web server with PHP support. The system has been extensively used by the authors in the classroom and has received positive feedback from the students.

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