Blended-Learning Enhancing Performance in Sales Negotiations

T. Bosch, A. Wacker, and H. Mandl (Germany)


Training, Sales, Leadership, Blended Learning, Perform ance Management, Measurement


For many years, the Dr. Thorsten Bosch AG has supported a large number of customers in the area of human resource development. The focus has been on the development of “soft skills” and also on conversation techniques in sales and marketing, on personnel management and on negotiation techniques. The company’s experience led to considerations about how training concepts could be structured more efficiently. The result was the so-called “Bosch-model”, which has been successfully used since the beginning of 2003 for training employees on how to conduct sales and marketing negotiations. By the end of the year, about 4000 participants will have gone through the training process. The structuring element is a phase model which breaks the sales negotiation down into individual phases. Participants in the training repeatedly encounter these phases in the five sequential learning steps. The end result is that the participants are able to conduct an efficient and structured sales negotiation which ideally leads to a closing a deal but that, most importantly, leads to a satisfied customer.

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