Role of Advanced Technologies in the Competences of Vocational Professions

T. Köpeczi-Bócz (Hungary)


Vocational Education and Training – VET, advanced technology and human resource, new roles of teachers instructors school managers, innovative pedagogy and advanced technology, collaborative virtual methods, WEB 2.0 tools in education


One of the most interesting scope of the new research trends is to recover the link between the advanced technology and human resource requirements of educational professions. Several accreditation systems, curriculum development methods, teacher evaluation systems are designed to new learning and teaching theories based on advanced technologies. There are a huge misunderstanding at practitioner level that the innovative education and pedagogy is more or less covered by advanced technologies especially ICT tools, WEB supported facilities. The new roles of teachers, instructors, headmasters are ed on new requirement of technological and management changes in the companies, the advanced technologies are helpful tools to fulfil this new requirements, the professionals are ambiguous what is a cause and effect relation in this sense. Some of the conclusions of the presentation are follows: • application of ICT tools in itself is not equal with the application of innovative pedagogies; • the preparedness of teachers with higher competence level of pedagogical knowledge is better for using advanced technologies; • the heads of institutions has not yet recognized the advantages and the opportunities of the channel of communication with stakeholders provided by advanced technologies.

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