Creation of School Distance Learning System

M. Lapenok (Russia)


Distance learning system, network teaching materials.


This article runs about the co-project by Ural State Pedagogical University and Education Department of Ekaterinburg city (Russia, Ural region) on creation and introduction of distance learning system at schools. Problems of the project are described. Methodical aspects of distance courses’ creation of school education and teacher training which realizes the distance form of education are considered. In the context of the project the educational information of general education courses on 8 school subjects of 10-11 grades are worked up. At the heart of educational portal lies the distance learning system and academic activities’ control by NauLearning. In the article foreign experience of distance learning system for schoolboys and students is analyzed .This experience compels to add available text materials - with video data and audiolessons. The article reports about an experimental research which is directed to select and master information and communication technologies to use at online lessons.

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