Enhancement of a Periodic Table and Generic Visualization Methods

B.B. Leontyev (Rwanda)


Data modeling, information visualization methods, visual ization types, programming, computer-aided publishing.


Paper aimed to streamline engineering of visualiza tions, it analyzes state of visualization studies and its im plications for technology-based education. To formalize procedures of visualizations’ development a three-layer ar chitecture proposed. To classify visualizations numerically from technical point of view signature, including two new criteria, based on complexity of visualization for groups and Abstract Data Types with number of commands for periods, were introduced and defined. New subject areas for visualizations were covered, software tools and envi ronments analyzed, tested and selected, generic ADTs dis criminated. Result of use of interface program between ADTs and geometric programming language implementa tion of a visualization was given as example. Three repre sentative visualizations with seven defined attributes were given as case studies of application of developed tech niques. New tools can put visualization methods unequiv ocally into proper boxes in a periodic table of visualization methods, define it with greater precision, enhance it as well as visualization methods themselves.

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