Implementation of an Educational Web Portal to Enhance Faculty Collaboration and Document Sharing

C.A. Ortiz and E. Melon (Puerto Rico)


Web Portal, Share Portal, Middleware, Enterprise


Today the Internet has provided great opportunities for enterprise integration among internal departments, external partners and other service providers. Web services systems have recently found their way into many applications such as e-commerce, corporate portals and e learning. Construction of new services or introducing new functions to existing services requires an evaluation of every organization needs. Current approaches to portal composition often require major programming effort; this is time consuming and requires considerable developer expertise. The selection of a web portal platform and it implementation should be seen as a process of building an infrastructure and foundation for the future. The current market of portal products goes from licenses products to open-source alternatives. In this paper, we explore and identify the requirements for a basic portal framework in the design, implementation and deployment of an Educational Web Portal Service at the School of Health Professions (SHP), University of Puerto Rico. We also discuss the benefits of this platform and some of the tools provided by the portal environment to fulfill the organization needs and the lessons learned during the architecture design and software implementation.

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