Entering Handwriting into Computers using a Digital Pen

M.J. Myers (Canada)


Digital pen entries, handwriting to typed conversion.


Transposing handwriting through a digital pen into typed text for language learning are discussed. Researchers agree that there are specificities of first language (L1) writing that could affect writing in a second language (L2) because writing styles are language specific. In our study of the conversion of handwritten notes to computer printed text with the Logitech [1] MyScripts® handwriting recognition software in both French and English, we uncovered what affected the conversion to typed texts of the writing modes in L1 and L2 by the same writer. The question of penmanship is explored as is the question of transfer from handwritten language to the printed conversion. Suggestions are made about possible adjustments, both to the technology and for the user in the passage from L1 to L2.

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