Design and Implememtation of IPMS Web Portal

R. Martin and H. Shi (Australia)


Industry Projects, IT in education, Collaborative and Communication Software Tool, Project Management, Virtual Learning Environments and Web Portal.


IPMS (Industry Project Management System) is a convenient “All-In-One” web portal. It is primarily developed to automate and streamline management of the final-year Industry Projects at the School of Computer Science and Mathematics. It aims to provide an efficient collaborative and communication software tool for all those involved in the Industry Projects programme, such as students, supervisors, project sponsors and the project coordinator. In this paper, the entire software development cycle of IPMS is presented. First the user requirements and system architecture are described. Then design and implementation of IPMS web portal using MySQL and PHP is described in more detail. Finally, it is concluded from the conducted usability test that over 80% of the students favoured the adoption of the new IPMS system.

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