Building Context into a Museum Information Guide

D. Bates, N. Linge, D. Parsons, R. Holgate, P. Webb, D. Hay, S.Wynn-Jones, A. Newson, and D. Ward


Wireless, Context, Information System, Museum


The challenge for museums today is to engage visitors who are increasingly technologically aware and consequently more demanding of the type of experience they receive. The growth in wireless and mobile communications technologies offers new opportunities for museums who are constantly striving to improve this visitor experience. In this paper we present a new wireless context-driven information system called mi Guide, which is able to track visitors as they move around a museum gallery so that exhibit content can be delivered and personalised to the visitor. We will show how our previous research work into context driven information systems influenced us in the development of this application. The paper then takes a look at some of the future directions that the work can go in order to exploit the enormous potential of the context-driven museum information guide.

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