Worldwide Authentication and Tracking: A Secured Mobile Payment System Implemented using a Biometrics Approach

H. Lu, F. Clart-Tournier, C. Chatwin, and R. Young


M-Commerce, barcode, iris recognition, payment security 1. Background 1.1 Mobile Commerce From exchange of goods (barter) to the exchange of bank notes and writing checks, through to transferring payment card details in person, over the phone or the Internet (origin of electronic commerce), or by the intermediaries, the global evolution of payment methods has involved a shift from the physical transference of tangible tokens to an exchange of information between parties [1]. Mobile com


The significant market growth of mobile commerce brings challenges for both individuals and society. In order to address some of these challenges we implement an efficient biometric mobile payment authorization system combined with an embedded commercial barcode reader to provide a worldwide platform-independent mobile payment authentication and tracking system. To use this mobile agent, customers only require a mobile phone or PDA with an embedded VGA (640 pixel*480 pixel) size camera for capturing commercial barcodes and personnel iris images. The algorithm used in our mobile biometrics identification (MBI) system is especially designed for low-power computing devices. Pixel oriented methods are implemented in our algorithms to facilitate this low-power computing application. As a result, a standard VGA sized iris image could be verified within 100 ms, and the barcode reader could decode the 1-Dimensional or 2-Dimensional barcode in real time and provide the detailed product information and payment requirements via a network connection. This combination of label reading and user identity authentication provides a powerful tool for secure m-commerce applications.

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