COSE: Combined Opportunistic Scheduling and Encoding Strategy for Network Coding

Y. Ma, W. Li, P. Fan, K.B. Letaief, and X. Liu


Network Coding, Multicast, COSE strategy, Queueing Model, Throughput 1.


Network coding has been shown to be an effective ap proach to achieve the maximum capacity of multicast net works. In previous works, we proposed a classic queue ing model for encoding nodes to investigate the opera tions of the encoding process. We found in simulation that input queues in this model would increase infinitely due to the absence of synchronization. In order to elim inate the undesirable phenomenon, in this paper, we pro pose the Combined Opportunistic Scheduling and Encod ing (COSE) strategy, in which encoding stages and clear ing stages alternate with each other in cycles. Through the oretical analysis and simulation, it is demonstrated that the COSE strategy can obviate the need for synchronization throughout the network while maintaining the good perfor mance of network coding.

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