Speeding Up Reinforcement Learning using Recurrent Neural Networks in Non-Markovian Environments

T.D. Le, T. Komeda, and M. Takagi (Japan)


Machine learning, and neural networks


Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been widely used to solve problems with a little feedback from environment. Q learning can solve Markov Decision Processes quite well. For Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes, a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) can be used to approximate Q values. However, learning time for these problems is typically very long. In this paper, we present a method to speed up learning performance in non-Markovian environments by focusing on necessary state-action pairs in learning episodes. Whenever the agent can attain the goal, the agent checks the episode and relearns necessary actions. We use a table, storing minimum number of appearances of states in all successful episodes, to remove unnecessary state-action pairs in a successful episode and to form a min-episode. To verify this method, we performed two experiments: The E maze problem with Time-delay Neural Network and the lighting grid world problem with Long Short Term Memory RNN. Experimental results show that the proposed method enables an agent to acquire a policy with better learning performance compared to the standard method.

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