A Distance Transformation based Algorithm for Digital Image Colorization

P. Lagodzinski and B. Smolka (Poland)


Colorization, distance transformation, gradient, computer vision


Colorization is a term used to describe a computerized pro cess for adding color to black and white pictures, movies or TV programs by replacing a scalar value stored at each pixel of the gray scale image by a vector in a three dimen sional color space with luminance, saturation and hue or simply RGB. Since different colors may carry the same lu minance value but vary in hue and/or saturation, the prob lem of colorization has no inherently ”correct” solution. Due to these ambiguities, human interaction usually plays a large role. In this paper we present a novel colorization method that takes advantage of the morphological distance transforma tion, changes of neighboring pixel intensities and gradients to propagate the color within the gray scale image. The proposed method frees the user of segmenting the image, as color is provided simply by scribbles which are next au tomatically propagated within the image. The effectiveness of the algorithm allows the user to work interactively and to obtain the desired results promptly after providing the color scribbles. In the paper we show that the proposed method allows for high quality colorization results for still images.

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