A Methodology to Assess and Improve the Transient Stability of a Large-Scale Power System

H. Haghighat, A. Maghami, H. Seifi, E. Talebi, and M.B. Nobakhti (Iran)


Distance protection, relay malfunction, transient stability,


Transient stability analysis and enhancement procedures for a practical large scale power system are covered in this paper. Generation and load scenarios are considered to observe various operating system behaviors. Static analysis is initially employed to investigate the static security performance under normal and contingency conditions. Based on a proposed index, the most severe contingencies are selected and ranked. Thereafter, detailed dynamic analysis is performed by modeling all basic components as well as various main and backup protection relays. Transient instability situations are detected either due to malfunctioning of relays or due to structural drawbacks of the network. Appropriate remedial actions are proposed and described.

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