Layered Augmented Virtuality

G. Ahuja, G. Kogut, E.B. Pacis, B. Sights, D. Fellars, and H.R. Everett (USA)


robotics, unmanned systems, augmented virtuality, multi robot controller


Advancements to robotic platform functionalities and autonomy make it necessary to enhance the current capabilities of the operator control unit (OCU) for the operator to better understand the information provided from the robot. Augmented virtuality is one technique that can be used to improve the user interface, augmenting a virtual-world representation with information from on board sensors and human input. Standard techniques for displaying information, such as embedding information icons from sensor payloads and external systems (e.g. other robots), could result in serious information overload, making it difficult to sort out the relevant aspects of the tactical picture. This paper illustrates a unique, layered approach to augmented virtuality that specifically addresses this need for optimal situational awareness. We describe our efforts to implement three display layers that sort the information based on component, platform, and mission needs.

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