Contribution of Hip Joint Passive Moments During the Gait of Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

N. Gaudreault, D. Gravel, and S. Nadeau (Canada)


Duchenne dystrophy, gait, passive moment, hip


In children with DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy), flexion contractures may develop as a result of the disease process. The corresponding flexion moments caused by these contractures may contribute significantly to the production of the net hip flexion moment during the gait of these children. The goal of the present study is to quantify hip flexion passive moments that may be associated with the presence of hip flexion contractures and to estimate their contribution to the net moment during the gait of children with DMD. Kinematic and kinetic parameters were collected during gait of six subjects with DMD. Hip flexion passive moments were also measured during the same session. Six control children participated in the study in order to have normal reference values. Although no significant group difference was observed for hip flexion passive moment variables, the hip flexion passive moment contribution is worth noting in both groups of children. We believe that the passive moments can compensate for the presence of progressive muscle weakness in the children with DMD and be beneficial to their gait.

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