Conservation and Management of Urban Water Environment in Japan

K. Yamamoto (Japan)


Urban Water Environment, Sewerage System, Urban River Improvement, Water and Greenery Network


This paper aims to show the true state of the conservation and management of urban water environment in Japan by focusing on the two most important aspects of urban water environment, i.e. sewerage systems and urban rivers, and to introduce some leading examples of successful urban development utilizing the water environment unique to Japan. The conservation and management of urban water environment in Japan has entered into the stage of urban river improvement now that the need for the development of sewerage systems has been almost fulfilled. Behind this development is the amendment of the River Law in 1997. Not only “water” but also “greenery” is among the most important components of the environment in general, that is, not limited to that of urban areas. It is thus necessary to form a network of water and greenery so as to secure habitat space for diverse forms of life. To this end it is hoped that “water and greenery networks” should be built even within urban areas, and environment improvement should be carried out in urban areas not only as a dwelling place for human beings but also as a habitat space for diverse forms of life.

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