Mainstreaming Gender in Water and Sanitation Program for Sustainable Development

R.K. Sharma (Nepal)


MDG, WATSAN, Community, Gender Mainstreaming, NGO, Sustainability.


The MDGs are the result of the evolution of specific development objectives and targets regarding poverty, hunger, education, health, gender and sustainable development adopted by United Nations resolutions and conferences. It states in "Target 10: Halve proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation". Access to water supply and sanitation is a fundamental need and a human right. It is vital for the dignity and health of all people. It provides female empowerment and parity in education. So, access to water supply and sanitation for the poor is a key factor in improving health and economic productivity and is essential component to alleviate poverty" [1] . Diagram 1: Mainstreaming Gender in WATSAN Program In Nepal Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board (RWSSFDB) is the main actor in water and sanitation (WATSAN) sector. The Board is designed based on the World Bank field testing pilot experience 1993-96 funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and a grant from Japanese Grant Facility (JGF) . RWSSFDB is committed to contribute to the millennium development goals. In the 71 districts of Nepal, 165 NGOs facilitate partner communities to implement schemes. The sustainability study carried out after 3 years of scheme completion of RWSSFDB-I shows that 82% of Batch I and 89 % of Batch II water schemes are fully sustained as community managed[2] . The schemes are developed by communities in private partnership with the NGOs.

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