A Network Flow Model for Evaluating Water Supply Strategies in Taiwan

F.N.-F. Chou and C.-W. Wu (Taiwan)


MODSIM, Water Supply Simulation, Taiwan


This paper applied the network flow programming to develop a descriptive water supply simulation model considering several unique characteristics of water resources utilization of Taiwan. This model was basically constructed consulting the structure of MODSIM and was entitled as WRASIM in which the first three letters stand for the Water Resources Agency of Taiwan and the remaining represents its simulating essence. By transforming the realistic system into the network representation properly and assigning model parameters accurately, WRASIM can simulate the daily water resources allocation of a system with the components of reservoir operating rule curves embedded with peak hydrogeneration regulation, minimum instream flow requirements, water transmitting and treatment losses and limiting water withdrawal capacity due to high turbidity of streamflow, etc. A case study about evaluating the joint supply strategies of two parallel water resources systems in Northern Taiwan was performed to demonstrate the capability and suitability of WRASIM. The analyzing results revealed that a more balancing water supply situation could be achieved by joint operation of these two systems.

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