Source Separation Applied to Heartbeat Doppler Radar

N. Petrochilos, N. Hafner, A. Hst-Madsen, O. Boric-Lubecke, and V. Lubecke (USA)


Blind Source Separation, radar, Array signal processing, Analytical Constant Modulus Algorithm, Heartbeat Re mote Sensing, Doppler Radar.


Blind Source separation has been applied to a whole range of different problem using an antenna array. Many biomed ical designs for hearbeat separation already have been pro posed [1], where the operational setup consists of disposing several patches on the pregnant woman in order to monitor remotely the heartbeat of the fetus. Alternatively, a Doppler radar can monitor heart beat in applications as post-disaster emergency rescue situations, counter-terrorism measures, and hospital medical monitoring. One problem is to isolate and separate heart beat from several subjects. In this paper we present our algorithm based on ACMA [2] and evaluate it though simulations.

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