The Control System of Ginned Cotton Humidity based on Fuzzy Control

Y. Zhang, X. Geng, and J. Zhao (PRC)


Ginned cotton humidity, fuzzy control, and MATLAB simulation


During the ginning process, the ginned cotton is carried by the pressure of wind. As result, the water in ginned cotton will become less and less. If the water of ginned cotton continuously is lower, it will expend more power. At the same time, the quality of ginned cotton dooms to be degenerated. So it is important to introduce the control system of humidity into the gin system. However, there is a non-linear and a large delay in the product processing. It is very difficult to construct a mathematic model of control system. So we use the fuzzy control technique to overcome the difficulty, because input data, output data and worker’s experience are only needed. This paper introduces the fuzzy control into the system to complete the design of controller, and it has been designed and certified by MATLAB simulation. The result of simulation certifies that the control system has arrived better control effect.

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