Computation Reduction in Motion Search using Early Zero-Block Detection

Y.J. Tsai, Y. Lin, and H.J. Hsieh (Taiwan)


H.624/AVC, motion search, motion estimation, early zero-block detection, DCT/quantization


In this paper an early zero-block detection method for the motion search in H.264/AVC is proposed to reduce the computation. A nearly sufficient condition for zero-block detection is derived, based upon the ensemble average of all DCT coefficients. The proposed approach is applied to both motion search and DCT/Quantization (DCT/Q) calculation and the experimental results indicate that a significant improvement in computation reduction can be achieved while maintaining a high coding efficiency. 44× The transform in H.264/AVC is developed from the 44× DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) given by [ ]               −− −− −− ⋅⋅               −− −− −− == caba baca baca caba X cbbc aaaa bccb aaaa AXAY T (1) where 2/1=a , )8/cos(2 1 π=b , and )8/3cos( π2 1=c . To ensure an integer transform implemented using only addition and shift, the above matrix multiplication is approximated to the following form:

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