Straight-Line Track Reconstruction in 3D Images using Adaptive Morphological Hough Transform

A.R. Gesualdi, J.M. Seixas, and M.P. Albuquerque (Brazil)


Hough Transform, Adaptive Hough Transform, Morpho logical Mask, Track Reconstruction, ATLAS Detector


In the paper, a hybrid image processing approach – the adaptive morphological Hough transform AMHT – is de veloped and applied to detect straight line tracks in the volumetrical images produced by particle collisions in the ATLAS detector. The approach combines components of the adaptive Hough transform (i.e. the resolution refine ment of the parameter space) and the morphological Hough transform (i.e. using a morphological mask to increase the chance for detecting the correct peak in Hough space). Ex perimental results show that the new AMHT method im proves the detection efficiency from 86% to 89% while maintaining the timing requirements.

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