A New Fast Handover Mechanism for Mobile IPv6 based IEEE 802.16e Networks

P.-S. Kim and Y.-J. Kim (Korea)


Mobile IPv6, Fast handover, Movement detection, CoA configuration, Authorizing binding, Security, QoS.


This paper proposes a new fast handover mechanism between the mobile node and the correspondent node for Mobile IPv6 based IEEE 802.16e wireless networks. The main objective of the proposed mechanism is to reduce simultaneously movement detection latency, care-of address configuration latency, authorizing binding latency for the fast handover. To reduce movement detection latency, the IEEE 802.16e neighbor advertisement message, named MOB_NBR-ADV, sent periodically by a serving base station is defined newly by adding a specific subfield to the available reserved field. To reduce care-of address configuration latency, the care-of address configuration method is defined newly using network information cached beforehand. To reduce authorizing binding latency, the return routability procedure and the binding update & acknowledgement procedure are defined newly with parameters specified by information on candidate networks, and cryptographic functions of authentication and encryption are also defined newly. The care-of address configuration and the authorizing binding are performed before actual handover for candidate networks where the mobile node can be attached newly. Therefore, the proposed mechanism can reduce entire handover latency and thus enhance throughput degradation caused by the bidirectional tunneling. Finally, via experiments, it will be shown that the proposed mechanism outperforms the existing ones in terms of L3 handover latency and packet loss.

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