A General Framework for Continuous Time Power Control in Time Varying Long Term Fading Wireless Networks

M.M. Olama, S.M. Djouadi (USA), and C.D. Charalambous (Cyprus)


Modelling, power control, stochastic differential equation, Banach space, and long term fading


In this paper, a general framework for continuous time power control algorithm under time varying long term fading wireless channels is developed. This contrasts most of the power control algorithms introduced in the literature that assume power control takes place in discrete time intervals and can only be used as long as the time duration for successive adjustments of transmitter powers is less than the coherence time of the channel. In continuous time power control, there is no restriction on how fast the wireless channel is varying. Moreover, a sufficient condition for the existence of the optimal continuous time power is derived. The optimal continuous time power control algorithm is developed under time varying long term fading wireless channels, which are based on stochastic differential equations.

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