Flight Control of Helicopter Groups using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control

M. Saffarian and F. Fahimi (Canada)


Leader-follower approach, autonomous helicopter, forma tion control, nonlinear model predictive control, .


In this paper, the problem of formation control of au tonomous helicopters is tackled. For this purpose, two groups of geometrical formation parameters are defined based on a leader-follower approach. Two control schemes are defined based on these geometrical parameters, which are named ¡ ¢ and ¡ . These schemes control the po sition and heading of a follower helicopter with respect to either one or two neighbouring leaders, respectively. These two schemes can be used as building blocks of any pre defined pattern of helicopter group. After testing each of these controllers individually, the two schemes are used to demonstrate the flight manoeuvre of a group of six heli copters that form a triangular formation.

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