Mobility based Call Admission Control in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Networks

S.-F. Yang and J.-S. Wu (Taiwan)


mobility management, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6), Call Admission Control (CAC), handoff dropping probability, blocking probability


Mobility management is a key issue for deployment of wireless broadband mobile networks. In mobile networks, we should not only guarantee handoff dropping probability but also reduce call blocking probability. A good network management policy requires an efficient call admission control scheme to allocate network resources to handover and new users. Although much research was focused on modified MIP to get better efficient performance, there are few papers to discuss admission control when considering handover and mobility management. In this paper, we extend HMIPv6 Binding Update message to support CAC schemes. These CAC schemes can reduce the probability of the handoff dropping and cell overload, and limit the new call blocking probability.

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