A Method for Detecting Power System Disturbances based on Multiple Synchronized Phasor Measurements

S. Yamada, O. Saeki, and K. Tsuji (Japan)


phasor measurements, power flow, phase difference, power system disturbances, wavelet transform


The longitudinal structure of western Japan’s 60Hz system is commonly known to produce various system oscillations, such as long term, local generator, and frequency control oscilliations. However, little is known about the wide area phenomenon among systems. This study is part of a larger project to establish a method to analyze power mea surements and to clarify the oscillations in power systems. PMUs (Phasor Measurement Unit) connected to 100V out lets were placed in universities in the 60Hz power system. The PMUs are synchronized based on global positioning system (GPS) and measured data is transmitted via the In ternet. In this paper, the technique for clarifying the oscilla tion in power systems is investigated. This paper describes a method to extract power system disturbances from a huge amount of PMU data. First, the phase difference charac teristics between observation points when a power system fault occurs are examined. Then, the proposed method is elaborated and the paper concludes with the application of the proposed method to a huge volume of PMU data.

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