Generator Circuit-Breaker Versus Station Transformer Technical and Economical Comparison

A. Akhavein, M.S. Kianfar (Iran), D. Braun, and Th. Leimgruber (Switzerland)


Power plant layout, generator circuit-breaker, station transformer, availability, economic considerations.


During the recent decade in Iran, there has been a trend toward setting up combined cycle power plants based on Siemens V94.2 gas turbine units. Because of the considerable number of units involved (totally about 50 gas turbine generator units), a comparison between the plant single line diagrams with a generator circuit-breaker and without such equipment, from a technical and specially an economical point of view, is important for decision making in similar projects. The objective of this paper is to present such a comparison based on two single line diagrams which are applied in Iranian combined cycle power plants.

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